Visas and Migratory Documents


General information on visas and migratory documents

Questions and appointments can be required at

Please read carefully all the requirements for your procedure and book an appointment.

Migratory status of foreign nationals in Mexico

The Mexican law establishes three migratory categories for the stay of foreigners in Mexico:

  • Visitor
  • Temporary Resident
  • Permanent Resident

Visas and migratory documents issued by the Consulate of Mexico in Little Rock

The National Institute of Immigration (INM) is the authority in charge of regulating the entry, stay and exit of foreign and Mexican citizens in Mexico. This authority has allowed this Consulate to grant certain migratory documents to foreign nationals wishing to visit Mexico, in the following categories:

Migratory requirements and address of the INM can be found on or

Duration of migratory documents and number of entries to Mexico

At the port of entry the Migration official will determine the duration of stay in Mexico of the foreign national. The maximum stay for tourists and business visitors in Mexico is up to six months. The maximum stay for visitors in transit is up to 30 days.

Visitors must obtain a landing card (FMM form) from the airline or at any port of entry in Mexico and complete this form with his/her individual information. The immigration officer will stamp the FMM card upon arrival. PLEASE KEEP IT IN A SAFE PLACE AND DO NOT LOSE IT. YOU WILL BE ASKED FOR THIS DOCUMENT AT YOUR DEPARTURE FROM MEXICO. The Mexican migratory authorities have the faculty to grant or deny the entry into Mexico if the visitor does not fully comply with the migratory regulations.

Extension and renewal of an Temporary Resident card in Mexico

Applications for extension or renewal of a Temporary Resident card must be done at the National Institute of Immigration (INM) within 30 days before its expiry date.

For requirements and addresses of offices of the INM, consult

Residing in Mexico

Foreign Nationals can immigrate into Mexico in any of the following characteristics:

Rentista, Scientist, Technician, Business, Student, and as a Family member of a Mexican national, family member of a Temporary Resident or Permanent Resident.

Permanent Resident

After five years as a temporary resident in Mexico, a foreign national can obtain the "Permanent Resident status", which means he or she has his/her permanent residence in Mexico.

Work permit for Mexico

According to Mexican Immigration Law which came into force on 9 November 2012, foreign nationals who are going to undertake “Lucrative Activities” the Mexican company/Institution must request the work permit at the National Migration Institute in Mexico

Visitor to perform lucrative activities in Mexico

"In the case of visitors entering Mexico to perform lucrative activities, the application for the entry permit is made directly before the National Institute of Immigration by the Mexican party interested in the visit of the foreign national. Foreign artists hired to perform presentations in Mexico as well as foreign nationals hired to work in Mexico request an entry permit from the INM". (I understand that the process in Mexico it takes approximately 30 days).

This authority will send you a notification confirming that you have 15 days to come to the Consulate in order to issue the visa. Useful information about requirements and offices addresses of the INM can be found on



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Fee (USD)







Please do not forget to bring copies of the documentation requested as if you do not so this will delay your application.

There is no photocopier service at the Consulate. You will need to leave the premises to obtain the copies and you will queue again to present your application.

Appointments are necessary, to apply you must send an email to

for more information and questions, call phone number (501) 372- 6933