I. Presentarse a la entrevista consular y entregar los siguientes documentos:
a) Formato de solicitud de visa ante la oficina consular[i].
b) Pasaporte o documento de identidad y viaje válido y vigente.
c) Proporcionar al funcionario la información requerida durante la entrevista consular, como datos personales para su debida identificación, motivo de viaje e información específica que se requiera, dependiendo del tipo de visa solicitada.
d) Original o copia certificada, según sea el caso, de los requisitos específicos según el trámite de visa que se solicita (ver anexos según el tipo de visa).
II. Una fotografía con el rostro visible y sin anteojos, a color, tamaño pasaporte.
III. Permitir la toma de la fotografía y la impresión de huellas, a través de medios electrónicos.
IV. Documento que acredite estancia legal en EEUU si no es ciudadano estadounidense.
V. Pagar derechos correspondientes.
Nota: El funcionario analizará la información y documentos proporcionados por el interesado y en los casos procedentes, previo pago de derechos a que haya lugar, expedirá la visa dentro de los siguientes diez días hábiles contados a partir del día en que se haya celebrado la entrevista consular.
De conformidad con el art. 40 de la Ley de Migración, las oficinas consulares están facultadas para tramitar, autorizar y expedir los siguientes tipos de visas:
- Visa de Visitante SIN permiso para realizar actividades remuneradas
- Visa de Visitante para realizar trámites de adopción
- Visa de Residente Temporal
- Visa de Residente Temporal Trabajo
- Visa de Residente Temporal Estudiante
- Visa de Residente Permanente
- Visa de Unidad Familiar con Mexicano Ingles
- Visa de Unidad Familiar con Extranjero
- Visa de Residencia Temporal por Oferta de Empleo Ingles
- Visa de Residencia Temporal por Oferta de Empleo Español
Las siguientes visas pueden ser atendidas en los Consulados únicamente con solicitud previamente autorizada por el Instituto Nacional de Migración:
I. Visa de Visitante sin permiso para realizar actividades remuneradas, cuando es solicitada por razones humanitarias, conforme a los supuestos señalados en los Lineamientos generales para la expedición de visas (DOF: 08/11/12).
II. Visa de Visitante con permiso para realizar actividades remuneradas, cuando es solicitada por oferta de empleo.
III. Visa de Residencia Temporal, cuando es solicitada por oferta de empleo o por unidad familiar.
IV. Visa de Residencia permanente, cuando es solicitada por oferta de empleo en el sistema de puntos, por unidad familiar o por derivación del reconocimiento de la condición de refugiado.
Si tiene preguntas o desea obtener una cita, favor de contactar al Departamento de Visas y Documentación a extranjeros:
- [i] En el caso de niñas, niños, adolescentes o personas que se encuentren sujetas a tutela jurídica en los términos de la legislación civil, el formato de solicitud de visa ante la oficina consular deberá ser firmado por ambos padres o por quien ejerza la patria potestad o tutela en presencia del funcionario o empleado consular.
- Si el padre o madre no se presentan físicamente a la oficina consular para obtener la visa para su menor hijo, deberá presentar la autorización notarial del otro progenitor en donde se haga constar su consentimiento para obtener visa mexicana.
- En el caso de niñas, niños o adolescentes cuya patria potestad sólo corresponda a uno de los padres por sentencia judicial, deberá presentarse copia certificada del documento oficial que así lo determine.
- Cuando acudan solos o con un tercero mayor de edad, deben presentar documento otorgado ante fedatario público o por autoridad que tenga facultad para ello en el que conste la autorización de ambos padres o de quienes ejerzan sobre ellos la patria potestad o la tutela, para que le sea tramitada una visa mexicana y en su caso, expedírsela.
Starting November 9 2012, the following visas can be requested at the Mexican consulate:
I. Visitor with no authorization for remunerate payment.
II. Visitor for adoption process.
III. Temporary Resident
IV. Student Temporary Resident.
V. Permanent Resident.
1. Appear before a Consular officer and deliver the following documents:
a) Visa application
b) Valid Passport or valid travel document.
c) Provide the officer with the required information during the consular interview.
d) Comply with original or certified documents required according to the type of visa requested.
2. One passport size picture in color, showing face without glasses.
3. Biometrics (digital picture and finger prints), will be taken the day of the interview.
Note: The consular officer will analyze the information and documents provided by the applicant and if they proceed, along with the fee payment, the visa will be issued within the next ten days counting from the day of the interview.
The following visas can be processed at the Mexican consulate only with a previous application and approval at the National Immigration Institute, INM, in Mexico.
I. Visitor with no authorization for remunerate payment, by humanitarian cause.II. Visitor with authorization for remunerate payment with an employment offer.
III. Temporary Resident with employment offer or family reunification.
IV. Permanent Resident with employment offer (points system), family reunification or refugee status.
If you have any questions, please contact the Visas Department at: or at 407- 422-0515 ext. 303
According with new regulations, passengers who have a valid United States visa and travel to Mexico as tourists, or in transit or in short business trips, will be allowed to enter our country without a Mexican visa. Mexican Immigration authorities at the port of entry will request a valid passport and a valid visa to the United States. Proof of economic means may be requested (you can present an international credit card, travelers checks, etc.).
Permanent residents of the United States and Canada are exempt of visa, and can travel to Mexico with a valid passport and valid permanent resident card.
Passengers traveling to visit Mexico as tourists, in transit or for business purposes, that arrive in a direct flight from the United States, will be allowed to enter Mexico presenting a valid passport and boarding pass. Proof of economic means may be requested (you can present an international credit card, travelers checks, etc.).
For information on long term visas for Business, Students, Retirement, Business-Technicians, please check the corresponding category in this web page.
Applicants may apply in person or apply by mail and request an appointment.
All appointments shall be scheduled previous remittance of the application form and required documents to the following address:
Visas Department
Consulate of Mexico in Orlando
2550 Technology Drive
Orlando, Florida 32804
For more information contact the Visas Department at (407) 422 0514 Ext. 303, or by e-mail at
Household effects are defined as those items that constitute the furnishings of a house and are exclusively for use, on their daily needs, by a person or family. This includes clothes, bedding, books, works of art and scientific materials, as long as they are not part of a collection for expositions or art galleries.
In order to be allowed by customs authorities to import temporarily these items into Mexico you must present your inventory list at the Mexican Consulate in your area to be issued a certificate. This certificate is called CERTIFICADO DE LISTA DE MENAJE DE CASA A EXTRANJEROS. In order to apply for this document, the following is required:
1. Valid U.S. Passport. And four copies of the page with your personal data, picture and signature.
2. A typed letter addressed to the Consulate General of Mexico providing your present address in the U.S. and the address where you will establish your residence in Mexico; you must also indicate that you intend to return your household goods to the US at the end of your stay in Mexico and to notify the customs authority of any change of residence while in the country.
3. All household effects must be included in an inventory list. The list must be in Spanish, and typed.
4. Each item must be numbered progressively. In case of electrical appliances or electronics you must specify make, model and serial number (including kitchen appliances).
5. The letter and the inventory list should be prepared in original and three copies. Original and all 3 copies must be signed as originals.
Applicants must mail the documents required below addressed to: Consulate of Mexico, at 2550 Technology Dr., Orlando, FL 32804. Once the documents are reviewed and authorized by the Visa Department, an appointment to obtain the aforementioned certificate should be scheduled.
Solicitud y requisitos para menaje de casa a Mexicanos
Solicitud y requisitos para menaje de casa a extranjeros
Importation of your household effects are temporary and only for the validity of your immigration permit, and you may import your household effects only once. No motor vehicle may be included in your household inventory list.
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