Hacemos desde este Consulado de Mexico en San Bernardino un llamado a organizaciones e instituciones educativas, públicas o privadas en EUA, para apoyar mediante la multiplicación de fondos, a estudiantes mexicanos o de origen mexicano, (adultos y jóvenes) en alguno de los siguientes niveles educativos:
a) Educación Superior
b) Educación para Adultos
IME Becas se ha caracterizado por estrechar lazos de colaboración con cientos de importantes organizaciones e instituciones educativas interesadas en atender las necesidades formativas de las personas mexicanas en Estados Unidos, en este caso con la beca IME 2024, mediante la duplicación de fondos asignados por el Gobierno de México.
Desde hace más de quince años el Gobierno de México se ha comprometido con la comunidad radicada en Estados Unidos de América con el propósito de estrechar vínculos con su país de origen, promover su desempeño e integración en la sociedad y con esto, elevar sus niveles educativos, lo que implica mejorar sus oportunidades laborales para beneficio suyo y de su familia.
Si te interesa participar en esta importante iniciativa y formas parte de una institución u organización educativa, acércate al departamento de Comunidades del Consulado de México en San Bernardino, ya sea directamente o a través de nuestras redes sociales para conocer las bases de participación de IME Becas y apoyar el desarrollo académico, personal y social de la comunidad del Inland Empire.
Para mantener comunicación directa manda un correo electrónico a tgarcia@sre.gob.mx
(IME Scolarships 2024)
We make a call on organizations and educational institutions, public or private in the US, to support, through the multiplication of funds, Mexican students or with Mexican origin, (adults and young people) interested in studying one of these different educational levels:
a) Higher Education
b) Adult Education
IME Becas 2023 (Scholarships 2024) has been characterized by close collaboration with hundreds of important educational organizations and institutions interested in meeting the needs of Mexicans in the United States, in this case, with the IME 2024 scholarship, duplicating funds allocated by the Government of Mexico. We are trying to guarantee a firm commitment to support our nationals to begin, continue or complete their studies in the northern country. Each Consulate has organized itself internally with its Local Committee, in this way transparency is even clearer and the specific needs of each area seek to be met; these groups are made up of three or more people from the educational field and close to the needs of the Mexican community, who, adhering to the IME Becas Guidelines, establish the selection criteria for the educational organizations and institutions interested in participating. They will evaluate each of the proposals and the contenders.
For 18 years, the Government of Mexico has been committed to the community living in the United States of America with the purpose of strengthening ties with their country of origin, promoting their performance and integration in society and raising their educational levels, which implies improve job opportunities for the benefit of many families. If you are interested in participating in this important initiative and you are part of an educational institution or organization, contact the Department of Communities of the Consulate of Mexico in San Bernardino, either directly or in our social networks to learn about the bases of participation of IME Scholarships and support the academic, personal and social development of the Inland Empire community.
Please send us an email to tgarcia@sre.gob.mx