How to help the victims of Mexico Earthquake 9/19/17

Versión en español


 Besides first necessity items (canned food, milk powder, sugar, instant coffee, personal hygiene articles, blankets, toilet paper, dog food, etc.), please note that the following emergency supplies and equipment are a priority for the victims of the earthquake:
  • Large tents (for several people);
  • Mobile Environmental friendly toilets and kitchenettes;
  • Mobile Power Plants;
  • Water Purifiers;
  • Suede gloves;
  • Camp beds;
  • Baby formula;
  • Disposable plates, cups and cutlery.
Click here for a list of collection centers that the Mexican Government has established in the state of Baja California.
The Mexican Consulate is also aware of community efforts that have created collection centers in the San Diego region. Click here for a list.
Other fundraising efforts for Mexico are the following:
  • Borderless Dine & Wine, A percentage of proceeds will be donated to Cruz Roja Mexicana to support Mexico Earthquake Relief:
  • Salvador Candia: Herencia Hispana Festival & Parade - October 15th (Donation Center):
  • Specialty Produce, Collection Warehouse Monday-Sunday to 6am to 6pm, and Coronado Marriot Monday-Sunday to 6am to 8pm:
  • International Community Fund: Contact: Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo., 619-336-2254.
  • San Diego Unified School District Concert for the victims: September 30, 2017, 12-3 PM: Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo.
Other useful information:
Centro de Información y Asistencia a Mexicanos (CIAM) 24/7 Call center: (520)-623-7874 can provide general information.
International donations for Mexico are received through the Mexican Red Cross at:

1. Access the website and follow the information to create a new account

2. Enter the credit card information or through a PAYPAL account (the amount is in Mexican Pesos MXN) and then select the cause: “SISMO 19/09/17

3. Website confirms that the transaction was successful and issues a receipt.

Cruz Roja Mexicana Account. BANCOMER: 0404040406 CLABE: 012180004040404062, to: CRUZ ROJA MEXICANA I.A.P.
For information regarding US nationals that were in Mexico at the time of the earthquake, please call:
  1. Phone number: 202.501.4444
  2. Toll free number 1.888.407.47.47
  3. Website:
If you have questions, please contact the Community Affairs Department at: 619-308-9933, 619-308-9911 or 619-308-9925 or Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo.THANK YOU FOR YOUR INTEREST IN HELPING MEXICO!!!