1. Fill out a visa application. (click here)

2. Complete the consular interview in person.

3. Valid passport or travel documents; original and one photocopy.

4. Submit one photo: passport size, visible face, no glasses, frontal view, in color, uncover face and white background.

5. If the Foreigner is not a native of the country where the visa is requested, it is required that an original and photocopy of the documents are provided to prove migratory legal status.

In conjunction with the requested conditions of stay, the visitor must submit an additional requirement of one of the following assumptions: Proof of Property in the country where visa is requested, economic solvency, invitation by a Mexican institution, scientific or educational research for work in Mexico, study in Mexico, relative of a Mexican national or resident in Mexico, frequent traveler, visitors in an adoption process; employee representative directed to give advice to a Mexican company, investor, owner of property in Mexico, and all the assumptions designated  by the Law.

6. Payment of the visa fee.

Submit one of the following assumptions:

a. Economic Solvency:

1. Original and photocopy of investments or bank accounts with a monthly average equivalent to five thousand days of minimum wage valid in Mexico City (aprox. $22,000 USdls.), during the last twelve months.

2. Original and photocopy of proof of employment or pension with monthly income free of tax equivalent of three hundred days of minimum wage in Mexico City (aprox. 1,300.00 USdls.), for the last six months.


b. Scientific Research in Mexican waters:

  1. Copy of the written communication between the Diplomatic Representative in Mexico with the applicants, nationals or residents, from the country of the Foreigner that notifies him/her that the Secretariat of Foreign Affairs (SRE) received the confirmations from the Mexican authorities that they are Foreigners who are going to be part of a scientific research or recollection of samples in Mexico or Mexican waters.  The written communication must have the following information:

i.   Complete name of the applicant and nationality.

ii. Denomination, the organization name, or the public or private institution that invites the applicant. Registro Federal de Contribuyentes  (RFC)

iii. The information about the activity or the project that the applicant will be part of.

iv. Estimated duration or final date of the activity.


c. Invitation Letter

1. Original letter of the organization or recognized public or private institution letterhead  that invites the Foreigner to participate in an activity not remunerated in Mexican territory.  The letter must contain the following information:

i.     Complete name of the applicant and nationality.

ii.    Denomination or business name of the organization.

iii.   Registration number and purpose of the organization or private institution.

iv.   Profile of the organization or private or public institution

v.   Address and the contact person of the organization or institution.

vi.    The activity or project that they and the Foreigner will be performing or working on. The activity of the Foreigner must be related with the organization or institution that invites him/her.

vii.   Estimated duration or final date of the activity.

viii. If possible, the institution commitment of the living expenses of the Foreigner during their stay in Mexico as well as their trip back to their country of origin or residency.

ix. Copy of an official identification with signature of the person who signs the invitation letter.

2. According to the subsection vii above, the organization or the private institution that invites the Foreigner must present the original and photocopy of the investments or banking accounts with a monthly average balance equivalent of ten thousand days of minimum wage valid in Mexico City (aprox. $45,000 USdls.), during the last twelve months.

The public and private institutions that belong to the Mexican education system do not need to prove economic solvency.

3. Original and photocopy of the documents that confirm that the Foreigner has the necessary capabilities, experience, abilities, and knowledge to develop the activity for which he/she was invited.

4. If the institution does not cover the Foreigner’s living expenses:

i. Original and photocopy of investments or bank accounts with a monthly average balance equivalent of five thousand days of minimum wage valid in Mexico City (aprox. $22,000 USdls.), during the last twelve months.

ii. Original and photocopy of proof of employment or pension with monthly income free of tax equivalent of two hundred days of minimum wage in Mexico City (aprox. 1,000.00 USdls.), for the last six months.


d. Religious Activities.

1. Original letter of the organization or recognized public or private institution in letterhead that invites the Foreigner to participate in an activity not remunerated in Mexican territory.  The letter must contain the following information:

i.     Complete name of the applicant and nationality.

ii.    Denomination or business name of the organization. Registro Federal de Contribuyentes (RFC)

iii. Registration number and purpose of the organization or private institution.

iv.    Profile of the organization or private or public institution

v.    Address and the contact person of the organization or institution.

vi.    The activity or project that they and the Foreigner will be performing or working on. The activity of the Foreigner must be related with the organization or institution that invites him/her.

vii.   Estimated duration or final date of the activity.

viii. If possible, the institution commitment of the living expenses of the Foreigner during their stay in Mexico as well as their trip back to their country of origin or residency.

ix. Copy of an official identification with signature of the person who signs the invitation letter.

2. Original Letter of consent from the Ministry of Interior (SEGOB).


e. Family Reunification: Based on the terms in Article 55 and 56 of this Law and Article 111 from the Regulation.

1. Confirm the family link with the Foreigner who qualifies for the conditions of Temporary Residency visa or has a Student Temporary Resident visa.

i. Presence of the Foreigner under the condition of Temporary Residency or Student Temporary Resident.

ii. If the applicant is the spouse, in common law, or an equivalent figure of the Foreigner under the conditions of Temporary Resident visa or has a Student Temporary Resident visa, they must present the original and a photocopy of the marriage or common law certificate, or equivalent through an issue by an authority according to the legislation of the country of origin of the applicant.

If the applicant has a son/daughter who is a Foreigner under the conditions of Temporary Residency or has a Student Temporary Resident visa, they must submit the original and a photocopy of the son’s/daughter´s birth certificate.

If the applicant has a father or mother that is a Foreigner under the conditions of Temporary Resident visa or they have a Student Temporary Resident visa, then the original and a photocopy of the birth certificate are required only if the applicant is a boy, girl, or adolescent and is not married, is under interdiction, or under the legal representation.

If the applicant is the son/daughter of the spouse, in common law, or  an equivalent figure of the Foreigner under the conditions of Temporary Resident visa or have a Student Temporary Resident  visa,    then the following are required only if the applicant is a boy, girl, or adolescent and is not married, is under interdiction, or under the legal representation:

-  Original and photocopy of his/her birth certificate
-  Original and photocopy of the marriage, common law certificate, or equivalent figure issued by an authority according to the legislation of the country of origin of the applicant.

iii. Copy of the Foreigner’s valid Temporary Resident visa or Student Temporary Resident visa.

iv. Prove economic solvency for the support of the family during their stay in Mexico with the following:

- Original and photocopy of investments or bank accounts with a monthly average equivalent of one hundred days of minimum wage valid in Mexico City (aprox. $500.00 USdls.), during the last twelve months.

- Original and photocopy of proof of employment or pension with monthly income free of tax equivalent of one hundred days of minimum wage in Mexico City (aprox. 500.00 USdls.), for the last six months.

2. Marriage or in common law with a Foreigner that has the  a visa under the conditions of Permanent Resident:

i.   Presence of the Foreigner under the condition of a Permanent Resident.

ii. Original and photocopy of the marriage, common law certificate, or equivalent figure issued by an authority according to the legislation of the country of origin of the applicant.

iii. Original and photocopy of the Permanent Resident visa.

iv. Confirm economic solvency for the support of the family during their stay in Mexico with the following:

-  Original and photocopy of investments or bank accounts with a monthly average equivalent of one hundred days of minimum wage valid in Mexico City (aprox. $500.00 USdls.), during the last twelve months.

-  Original and photocopy of proof of employment or pension with monthly income free of tax equivalent of one hundred days of minimum wage in Mexico City (aprox. 500.00 USdls.), for the last six months.


3. Confirm the family link with the Foreigner who holds a Temporary Resident card or Student Temporary Resident card;

i. Presence of the Foreigner under the Temporary Residency or Student Temporary Resident.

ii.If the applicant is the spouse, in common law, or an equivalent figure of the Foreigner under the conditions of Temporary Resident card or a Student Temporary Resident card, they must present the original and a photocopy of the marriage or common law certificate, or equivalent through an issue by an authority according to the legislation of the country of origin of the applicant.

If the applicant has a son/daughter who is a Foreigner under the conditions of Temporary Residency card or has a Student Temporary Resident card, they must submit the original and a photocopy of the son’s/daughter´s birth certificate.

If the applicant has a father or mother that is a Foreigner under the conditions of Temporary Residency card or Student Temporary Resident card, then the original and a photocopy of the birth certificate are required only if the applicant is a boy, girl, or adolescent and is not married, is under interdiction, or under the legal representation.

If the applicant is the son/daughter of the spouse, in common law, or  an equivalent figure of the Foreigner under the conditions of Temporary Resident card or a Student Temporary Resident card, then the following are required only if the applicant is a boy, girl, or adolescent and is not married, is under interdiction, or under the legal representation:

-  Original and photocopy of hes/her birth certificate

-  Original and photocopy of the marriage, common law certificate, or equivalent figure issued by an authority according to the legislation of the country of origin of the applicant.

iii. Original and photocopy of the Foreigner’s valid Temporary Resident card or Student Temporary Resident card.

vi. If the applicant have a link with the Foreigner that has a Student Temporary Resident card, must present:

-  Letter from the College where states that the Foreigner is under a Student Temporary Card and continues with their studies.

4. Marriage or in common law with a Mexican national:

i. Presence of the Mexican national.

ii. Original and photocopy of the marriage, common law certificate, or equivalent figure issued by an authority according to the legislation of the country of origin of the applicant.

iii. Original and photocopy of the documents that confirm the Mexican Nationality, according to Article 3 of the Nationality Law.


f. Property in Mexico:

Original and photocopy of the deed of real property notarized under the name of the applicant. The property has to have a value that exceeds forty thousand days of minimum wage valid in Mexico City (aprox. $180,000.00 USdls.)



g. Investor:

1. Original and photocopy of the Mexican company’s deed or document issued by the Notary Public in Mexico or certified document by the administrative authority where  states that the Foreigner participates as an investor in the Mexican national company, also has to affirm that the investment exceeds twenty thousand days of minimum wage valid in Mexico City (aprox. $90,000.00 USdls.), through  the buying-selling share’s contract, social parties, the transfer of good’s contracts in favor of the Mexican company, or document issue by the Mexican company. It must also state the amount awarded from the Foreigner for his business participation, and

2. Original and photocopy of the deed of property of the Foreigner’s company for economic and bussiness purposes that exceeds twenty thousand days of minimum wage valid in Mexico City (aprox. $90,000.00 USdls.), or

3. Original and photocopy of document/documents that prove the development of the economic and business activities in Mexico through contracts, service orders, receipts, business plans, licenses, or permits or an original and photocopy of a letter from the Mexican Institute of Social Services (IMSS) that confirms that the Foreigner as an employer  have at least 3 employees.




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