The appointments for visas are booked  through our free system MiConsulado:

If booked under any other service, example:  passport, it will be automatically cancelled. 


  1. Visa application form printed on one page, double sided, properly completed and signed.
  2. Valid passport or travel and identity document, original and a photocopy of the page containing the photograph and personal data.
  3. Original and a photocopy of the migratory document accrediting your legal stay in Canada (only for applicants who are not Canadian citizens).
  4. One photograph measuring 3.9 cm x 3.1 cm, face uncovered, no eyeglasses, frontal view, in colour and with white background.

Please take note on the following: 

  • Highlight the economic solvency on every monthly statement.   
  • For joint accounts, the amount required is PER APPLICANT
  • Submit a letter from your financial institution, PER APPLICANT, printed on official paper stating  “ Full Name has the bank account _____, since _____ and is currently valid”, with original signature and stamp from the financial institutionWe will not accept photocopies of the signature. 
  • The letter and bank statements must be from the same financial institution 
  • We will keep original bank statements. 

Applicants must also present the following documents, depending on the category under which they are applying:

a) Retirees or Pensioners:

  1. Original and a photocopy of investment receipts or bank account statements showing an average monthly balance equivalent to $411,565.00 Canadian dollars during the last twelve months, or
  2. Original and a photocopy of proof of tax-free monthly income from pensions in an amount greater than $10,289.00 Canadian dollars during the past six months.

b) Family Unity:

Ties to a Mexican citizen:

  • The applicant’s birth certificate, original and a photocopy; and
  • Marriage certificate or document proving the common-law union or equivalent relationship with the Mexican citizen, in accordance with the applicable legislation in the country where the legal act took place, original and a photocopy; or
  • Document proving Mexican nationality, in accordance with Article 3 of the Nationality Law, original and a photocopy.
  • If the applicant has a child who is a Mexican citizen, the Mexican birth certificate of the child, original and a photocopy; or
  • If the applicant has a Mexican parent, provided that the applicant is a child or adolescent who is not entitled to claim Mexican nationality, and has not married or has been declared incompetent and under the parent’s legal representation, ties can be demonstrated by presenting the applicant’s birth certificate, original and a photocopy; or
  • If the applicant is the child of the spouse or common-law partner of a Mexican citizen, provided that the applicant is a child or adolescent, and has not married or has been declared incompetent and under the parent’s legal representation, ties can be demonstrated by presenting:
  • If the applicant is the sibling of a Mexican citizen, birth certificate of the applicant and his/her sibling, original and a photocopy; and

Ties to a foreigner holding a permanent resident visa:

  • Applicant's birth certificate, original and a photocopy; and
  • Marriage certificate or document proving the common-law union or equivalent relationship with the foreigner who holds a permanent resident visa, in accordance with the applicable legislation in the country where the legal act took place, original and a photocopy; or
  • Valid permanent resident visa, original and a photocopy, and
  • The applicant must prove economic solvency to support each of his/her family members during their stay in the country, with:
    • Original and a photocopy of investment receipts or bank account statements showing an average monthly balance equal to $2,058.00 Canadian dollars during the past twelve months, or
    • Original and a photocopy of documents showing that the applicant has employment or a pension with a tax-free monthly income greater than $2,058.00Canadian dollars, during the past six months.
  • If the applicant has a foreign child who holds a permanent resident visa, s/he must present the child’s birth certificate, original and a photocopy; or
  • If the applicant has a foreign parent who holds a permanent resident visa, provided that the applicant is a child or adolescent who is not married or has been declared incompetent and under the parent’s legal representation, ties can be demonstrated by presenting the applicant’s birth certificate, original and a photocopy; or
  • If the applicant is the child of the spouse or common-law partner of a foreigner who holds a permanent resident visa, ties can be demonstrated by presenting:
  • If the applicant is the sibling of a foreigner who holds a permanent resident visa, provided the applicant is a child or adolescent and has not married or has been declared incompetent and under the sibling’s legal representation, ties can be demonstrated by presenting the birth certificates of the applicant and his/her sibling, original and a photocopy of each;

Ties to a foreigner whose migratory status is that of permanent resident:

  • Applicant's birth certificate, original and a photocopy; and
  • Marriage certificate or document proving the common-law union or equivalent relationship with the foreigner whose migratory status is that of permanent resident, in accordance with the applicable legislation in the country where the legal act took place, original and a photocopy; or
  • Valid Permanent Resident Card, original and a photocopy.
  • If the applicant has a foreign child whose migratory status is that of permanent resident, ties may be demonstrated by presenting the child’s birth certificate, original and a photocopy; or
  • If the applicant has a foreign parent whose migratory status is that of permanent resident, provided that the applicant is a child or adolescent who is not married or has been declared incompetent and under the parent’s legal representation, ties can be demonstrated by presenting the applicant’s birth certificate, original and a photocopy; or
  • If the applicant is the child of the spouse or common-law partner of a foreigner whose migratory status is that of permanent resident, ties can be demonstrated by presenting:
  • If the applicant is the sibling of a foreigner whose migratory status is that of permanent resident, provided the applicant is a child or adolescent and has not married or has been declared incompetent and under the sibling’s legal representation, ties may be demonstrated by presenting the birth certificates of the applicant and his/her sibling, original and a photocopy of each, and

Requirements to Prove a Common-Law Relationship:

A Common-Law Relationship is understood as being a relationship between two people who live together outside the bonds of matrimony, in an ongoing and permanent fashion, for the period of time established by the legislation of the corresponding country. The couple does not need to have cohabited for the established term if there are children born of the union.

The applicant must present a Statutory Declaration or Affidavit signed before a Canadian Notary Public, stating that as of the date of the visa application the interested parties have cohabited publicly and continuously for a minimum of two years. This declaration must contain certified copies (certified by a Notary Public) of the official photo identification of the interested parties (passport, driver’s license), as well as documents demonstrating their common-law relationship (rental contract or financing to purchase a home signed jointly; joint property; joint bank or credit accounts; income tax return showing the common-law union; life insurance policy listing the common-law partner as beneficiary, etc.).

If the couple has children together, they should present the original birth certificate(s) of the child(ren). In this case, it is not necessary for the couple to have cohabited publicly and continuously for a minimum of two years. Nevertheless, they must show that they maintain a common residence by means of payment receipts for utilities issued under both names.

If the Statutory Declaration is signed before a Notary Public from a province outside the jurisdiction of the Representative Office carrying out the procedure, or outside the country, it must be legalized by the corresponding Mexican Embassy or Consulate. In the document is issued outside Canada, it must be apostilled or legalized, depending on the country.


1. Issuance of the visa is subject to the outcome of the interview.

2. The visa may only be used during the period of validity, which begins on the date of issuance, and is valid for one single entry. Once you have entered Mexican territory, within the first 30 calendar days, you must go to the National Migration Institute to process the residence card that proves your legal status in the country and allows you to remain in Mexico.

3. Applications based on Family Unity may only be presented at a Consular Office, and the foreigner who is a permanent resident or the Mexican citizen must accompany the family member at the time the application is presented.

This only applies to foreigners who are the children; parents; children of a spouse or common-law partner; or siblings of a Mexican citizen or foreigner who is a permanent resident in Mexico.

4. A foreign spouse or common-law partner of a Mexican citizen or foreigner holding permanent resident status in Mexico may not, under any circumstances, be issued a permanent resident visa. Upon maintaining temporary resident status for a period of two years, the person may apply to the National Migration Institute for permanent resident status, provided the matrimonial or common-law relationship remains in force.

5. Immigration authorities may decide to refuse the request to enter the country if the applicant is subject to criminal process or has been convicted of a serious crime as defined by national laws on criminal matters or provisions in international treaties or conventions that the Mexican State is party to, or if the applicant’s background in Mexico or abroad could compromise national or public security, in accordance with Article 43 of the Migration Law.