If you were dissatisfied with products or services provided during a visit to Mexico, you may file a complaint through the Federal Agency of Consumer Affairs (Procuraduría Federal del Consumidor, PROFECO).

In order to file a complaint, you must do the following:

  • Fill out a complaint form avalilable at Procuraduría Federal del Consumidor, PROFECO
  • Enclose the document to prove the consumer relationship (agreement, invoice, receipt, publicity, etc.)
  • Submit all documents that may serve as proof of your complaint, such as copies of cheques, credit card slips, receipts, credit card statements, airplane tickets or any other document that might be relevant to your claim.
  • If the complain of a person is presented by a legal guardian in Mexico it must be through a simple signed power before two witnesses. It must include a copy of the official identification of the person who accepts the power and two witnesses.
  • Copy of your official identification (passport, driver’s license).
  • All this information must be sent by e-mail to: turista@profeco.gob.mx or by postal mail to the following address:

Procuraduría Federal del Consumidor
Dirección General de Quejas y Conciliación 
Av. José Vasconcelos No. 208, 6º piso,
Col. Condesa, Delegación Cuauhtémoc
México, D.F. C.P.: 06140
Tel: (011-5255) 5211-1723
Fax: (011-5255) 5625-6621

If you are planning to buy Timeshare in Mexico consider the following information