I want to study in Mexico for more than 6 months. What visa do I need?
Foreigners who wish to study in Mexico for a period greater than 180 days to attend courses, pursue studies, or conduct research projects at an educational institution belonging to the National Educational System in Mexico, must apply in person for a Student Temporary Resident Visa.
Please make an appointment at the Consulate at the email docextmon@sre.gob.mx and bring the following documents:
1. Visa application printed on one page, double sided properly completed and signed.
2. Passport, original and a photocopy of the page containing the photograph and personal data.
3. Original and a photocopy of the migratory document accrediting your legal stay in Canada (only for applicants who are not Canadian citizens).
4. One photograph measuring 3.9 cm x 3.1 cm, face uncovered, no eyeglasses, frontal view, in colour and with white background.
5. Payment of fees in cash for the issuance of the visa
6. Original and a photocopy of the letter of acceptance from the institution where the applicant intends to study. This letter must include:
- Full name of the student.
- Level, degree and area of study that will be pursued.
- Name of the course to which s/he has been accepted.
- Start and end dates of the course.
- Cost of school fees.
- Contact data for the educational institution
7. Proof of economic solvency, original and a photocopy, which could be:
- Documents showing that the applicant has a job, pension or scholarship (original letter from the educational institution proving the awarding of the scholarship), with tax-free monthly income greater than $2,053.00 CAD during the past 3 months, or
- Original and copy of bank account statements showing sufficient income to support the applicant in Mexico, from the student (or his/her parents in the case of applicants under the age of 25). Income must show a minimum average monthly balance of $20,534.00 CAD during the past 3 months.
Originals, if printed, must bear the seal of the institution on each page, in order to render them authentic.
If you require additional information or you would like to request an APPOINTMENT FOR A VISA in our office in Montreal, please send an email to the visa department at docextmon@sre.gob.mx
Important Notes:
- For foreigners who obtain a valid single entry visa, once they enter Mexican territory they must, within the first 30 calendar days, apply to the National Migration Institute for the residence card that accredits their legal stay in the country and allows them to remain in Mexico for a period greater than 180 days.
- Immigration authorities might deny entry to Mexico if the foreigner has a criminal record.
- The Consulate can neither guarantee nor verify that Mexican immigration authorities permit the entrance into Mexico.