Diplomatic or official visa

After December 1st 2016, Canadian citizens carrying diplomatic or official passports, DO NOT need a visa to visit Mexico, either for official or tourist purposes, for any trip up to 90 days.

Foreigners with Laissez-Passer, independently of the nationality or official rank, DO NEED a visa to visit Mexico.

Please make an appointment at the Consulate at the email docextmon@sre.gob.mx and bring the following documents:



1.    Visa application printed on one page, double-sided.

2.    Valid diplomatic or official passport and a photocopy of the page containing the photograph and personal data.

3.    One photograph measuring 3.9 cm x 3.1 cm, face uncovered, no eyeglasses, frontal view, in color and with white background.

4.    Diplomatic Note specifying the purpose and length of the visit to Mexico.


If you require additional information, please send an email to the visa department at docextmon@sre.gob.mx