AMA realiza su primera reunión de la costa noreste en la ciudad de Nueva York

 The American-Mexican Association USA (AMA-USA) held its first northeast regional meeting in the city of New York. As part of the association’s kick-off events throughout the U.S., the Northeast coordination welcomed members from Connecticut, Delaware, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, and Washington D.C. The participants discussed the region’s objectives and priorities, such as the contributions of the Mexican-American community to the U.S.; binational identities; culture; health; business and finance; Dreamers; and gender equality. Don Jaime Lucero and Dr. Gabriel Rincon, the Regional Coordinators, said: “We’re very pleased to inform that it was a productive meeting. We want to thank everyone who participated for their dedication to serve and support the Mexican and Mexican-American communities in the Northeast!” During the meeting, the group agreed to define a regional media strategy to spread the word about the newly created association and to invite key people –including influencers, young entrepreneurs, community leaders, businessmen, and respected members of the community—to join this movement. They will meet in 8 weeks to design a plan that promotes a positive image of the Mexican-American community through AMA’s website, social media accounts, and newsletters. They will focus on promoting a constructive dialogue with other actors in the U.S. The participants also agreed to name Ms. Rebeca Vargas as the third Regional Coordinator and a member of the National Steering Committee. Ms. Guadalupe Barba will be Pennsylvania’s Local Coordinator. The meeting was held at the Mexican Festival Restaurant in New York City, owned by Mr. Jaime Lucero, also Regional Coordinator and member of AMA’s National Steering Committee.

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