
Economic Affairs

The Economic Affairs Department is in charge of linking the Consulate General with main economic, financial and commercial stakeholders, as well as promoting Mexico as a touristic destination in ​​New York and New Jersey.

Economic Affairs also:

  • Performs research and analysis on economic issues that impact the Mexican community and the bilateral economic relationship between Mexico and the United States, focusing on the NY/NJ area.
  • Supports trade missions.
  • Participates in the organization of meetings, forums, trade fairs, interviews, events related to trade and economic affairs, aiming to:
    • Identify business opportunities for Mexican companies
    • Identify strategic partners that contribute to the inclusion of the Mexican private sector into the global supply chain
    • Identify foreign direct investment opportunities
    • Promote Mexico as a touristic destination
    • Promote bilateral technical and scientific cooperation, as well as the entrepreneurial ecosystem in Mexico



María Fernanda Garrido | Consul for Economic Affairs

 Karla Bueno | Trade Affairs

Luciana Camargo | Economic Affairs

Miguel Herevia | Tourism Affairs

(212) 217 ​​6400 option 6 | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Information and indicators on the Mexican Economy

  • The “Anuario Estadístico y Geográfico” 2020 edition, brings together the most relevant and updated data of the Mexican states in a single document. It allows outlining a general overview of the main characteristics of the physical environment, environmental regulations, demographic and social aspects, science and technology, and the economic activity of Mexico. Published by the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI).

  • The Central Bank of Mexico, by constitutional mandate, is an autonomous entity in its functions and administration, whose purpose is to provide the country's economy with national currency, Its main objective is to ensure the stability of the purchasing power of the Mexican peso. Additionally, it is responsible for promoting the healthy development of the financial system and promoting the proper functioning of payment systems.

  • The Observatory of Economic Complexity is an interactive tool that allows you to visualize the total trade of a country, tracks the changing dynamics over time and explore growth opportunities. In the case of Mexico and US, it is a way to deep analyze the deep commercial relations of both countries. Developed by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

  • Data Mexico is an online tool created by the Ministry of Economy that allows the visualization, integration and analysis of public data on the Mexican economy at all levels and sectors, with the purpose of improving and facilitating decision-making, identification of opportunities, innovation and diversification.

Invest in Mexico

Benefits of Investing in México

As a key exporting country, and one of the 10 main recipients of foreign direct investment worldwide, Mexico is a notable trade partner and one of the most attractive countries for investment, due to various factors:

  • Strategic geographical location
  • Privileged access to international markets and their integration with their value chains
  • Main recipient country of foreign investment
  • Export power
  • Competitive human capital and highly qualified workforce
  • Political and macroeconomic stability
  • Innovative business environment
  • Strategic projects
  • Optimization of supply chains in relevant industries and capacity to produce advanced manufacturing
  • Attractive tourism destination

Mexico also offers a competitive advantage due to its network of 12 Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) with 46 countries, and 32 Investment Promotion and Protection Agreements (IPPAs) with 33 countries.


Invest in Mexico

This platform of the Ministry of Economy is an innovative digital tool that offers professional advice and clear information for each stage of an investment project in Mexico. Its objective is to provide all the elements to understand the processes that foreign investors must apply in Mexico, the correct steps to invest, authorities involved, requirements, costs, response times and legal framework for investing.


 For more information:

Check here statistical information Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) flows in Mexico, by the Ministry of Economy.

Check here a series of statistical and economic documents with up-to-date information about sectors, states and procedures manual on FDI matters, by the Foreign Investment team at the Ministry of Economy.

Check here the hanbook to invest in Mexico. This manual provides clear and timely information on the regulatory regime applicable to foreign investment in Mexico and on the procedures that must be carried out to establish themselves legally in the country, with the purpose of facilitating natural and legal persons to invest in Mexico.

Infrastructure Projects

Currently, the country offers competitive conditions for the participation of the private sector in the development of infrastructure projects such as:

  • A constant commitment to public investment
  • A defined strategy and long-term planning
  • Diversity and availability of funding sources, both public and private.
  • A strong regulatory framework and solid institutions

If you are interest in investing in México, visit Proyectos México, a platform with relevant information on projects available for public-private partnerships. Currently, more than 650 projects promoted by different entities and government departments can be found on the platform, including the status of the project and additional data. In the same way, additional information can be found, as well as documents related to the planning, acquisition and execution details of the projects.

Trade relationship between Mexico and the US


Bilateral relationship Mexico - United States

 The US – Mexico border is the most dynamic border in the world. Nearly US$20,000 woth of goods are exchanged between both countries every second. United States is Mexico's main partner in trade matters and Mexico is always among the main partners of the United States. In 2021, Mexico was consolidated as the main trading partner of the United States with a 14.4% share of the total trade of that country.

Mexico in the world’s ranking:

  • avocado exporter
  • beer exporter
  • computer exporter
  • auto-parts producer
  • car producer

In 2021, the seven main goods purchased account for nearly two thirds of total imports, the most important being: computers and electronic products (16.4%), transportation equipment (12.8%), chemical products (11.1 %), non-electric machinery (7.4%), miscellaneous manufactures (5.8%), electrical equipment and components (5.9%) and gas and oil (5.1%).

Visit the following websites to find statistics on bilateral trade between Mexico and the United States:

Finally, do not miss the newsletters on the New Free Trade Agreement between Mexico, the United States and Canada (USMCA) published by the Undersecretary of Foreign Trade of the Mexican Ministry of Economy, in English and Spanish.

Trade Relationship Mexico with New Jersey and New York


Mexico – New Jersey

Mexico and New Jersey exchanged a total of US$10.2 billion in goods and services in 2021. New Jersey's exports to Mexico this year exceed the combined exports to Central and South America, making Mexico the 4th largest destination country for New Jersey exports. In addition, trade with Mexico supports over 141 thousand jobs in New Jersey.

Mexico – New York

Mexico and New York exchanged a total of US$5.6 billion dollars in goods and services in 2021. New York’s total trade with Mexico is greater than its trade with Russia, Spain and Brazil combined. Trade with Mexico supports over 328 thousand jobs in New York.


Exporting from the United States to Mexico

If your company is located in the United States and you want to know how to export to Mexico, you can contact the U.S. Commercial Service, office of the United States government in charge of supporting American companies to export or enter new international markets.

Consult the Commercial Guide of Mexico, where you will find information regarding the documentation and logistics, along with market research and founding.


Additional Business, Institutions and Resources in NY and NJ


Chambers of Commerce

US-Mexico Chamber of Commerce, Northeast Chapter (USMCOCNE)

It is the leading binational business organization working to build mutual beneficial trade and investment relationships. The organization's mission is to promote business between the United States and Mexico.

Statewide Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of New Jersey (SHCCNJ)

The SHCCNJ's mission is to promote the continued growth and development of New Jersey businesses while supporting its members (both Hispanic and non-Hispanic) in finding greater business opportunities through networking and mutual support.

New Jersey State Chamber of Commerce

The New Jersey Chamber of Commerce is a business advocacy organization that actively supports legislation, regulation, and initiatives that lead to economic growth, job creation, and prosperity throughout the state. It promotes networking among its members, meetings with key business leaders and politicians, and special discount programs for business services.


Institutions and think-tanks

AS/COA Americas Society | Council of the Americas

This forum is dedicated to the dialog and debate on America’s affairs. The AS/COA publish articles periodically with the goal of increasing the interest on the region. Their members share a social goal to promote the right of democracy and the opening to new markets in the western hemisphere.

 C.F.R. | Council of Foreign Relations

The CFR publishes documents to help better understanding on  countries' foreign policy decisions. It is a non-partisan think tank that does not take institutional positions on public policy in the US.


Additional resources

Mexico Institute – NAFTA/USMCA

The Mexico Institute is part of the Woodrow Wilson Center, one of the most prominent research centers in the United States that seeks to improve understanding and communication between both countries, promoting debate and proposing public policies. The Mexico Institute dedicates a special portal to commercial affairs, consult it at:

 MexBest directory of agro-exporters

MexBest is a project created by SAGARPA to present and promote agricultural products from the Mexican countryside with export quality, diversity and flavor that allow us to reach any part of the world.

Competitiveness and Regulations / Foreign Direct Investment – ​​Secretary of Economy

Information from the Ministry of Economy on Foreign Direct Investment in Mexico


In 2018, Mexico was the seventh most visited nation by international tourists. According to UNESCO, Mexico has 35 sites listed as World Heritage, from which 27 are cultural, 6 are natural, and 2 mixed.

Direct flights from the NY/NJ area to Mexico: 

  • Cancun, Q.Roo
  • Guadalajara, Jal.
  • Mexico City
  • Monterrey, N.L.

For more information about travel destinations, click here.