
Non-Lucrative visitor: foreign nationals exempted from visa up to 180 days as tourist, business visitor, treatment visit, in transit, among other non-remunerative activities  

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Non-Lucrative visitor: foreign nationals who require visa to enter Mexico as tourist, business visitor, treatment visit, in transit, among other non-remunerative activities

Lucrative visitor visa 

Temporary resident visas

By financial means (business, transfer of staff, pensioner or rentier) 

Investments in Mexican companies

By acquisition of property (Real estate)

Family reunification 


Invited by a public or private institution or organisation located in Mexico 

Entry permit (NUT) authorised by the Migration National Institute for remunerative activities or family reunification   

Permanent resident visas 

By financial means (business, pensioner or rentier)


Diplomatic & Official visas 


Applicants are required to apply for a visa in person through a pre-arranged interview click here: appointment.

If you do not find the appoitment option for "visas"  (London Office) on the internet platform Mi Consulado, it is because there are no more available appoitments during the selected month. 

New visa appoitments  open on the last business day of each month.

If you want to apply for a visa, book your appointment correctly, otherwise if you book an appointment for “Pasaportes y/o credencial para votar”, instead of visa, you will not be received at the consular office.

Please be aware that the consular office does not manage the internet platformMi Consulado”, therefore it cannot cancel your appointment and/or schedule an appointment.   

Once you have your appointment, the access to the Consular Section will be given exclusively to the applicant. In cases of temporary visa applications for family reunification, accordingly, the Mexican national or foreign national who holds temporary permanent residence card or holds a temporary or permanent residence visa must appear with the applicant. In cases of visa application for minors, both parents must accompany them at the moment to hand in the visa application. 

In the case of minors (people under 18), the consular section can request all the necessary documentation to gather evidence of the parental link with the visa applicants, such as birth certificates, marriage certificates, resident permit, passports, among others. All foreign documents (outside the UK) must be certified or apostilled and translated into English. 



Mapa de ubicación

Presidenta de México

Foto de la Presidenta de México, Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo

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