1. Fill out a visa application. (click here)

2. Complete the consular interview in person.

3. Valid passport or travel documents; original and one photocopy.

4. Submit one photo: passport size, visible face, no glasses, frontal view, in color, uncover face and white background.

5. If the Foreigner is not a native of the country where the visa is requested, it is required that an original and photocopy of the documents are provided to prove migratory legal status.

In conjunction with the requested conditions of stay, the visitor must submit an additional requirement of one of the following assumptions: Proof of Property in the country where visa is requested, economic solvency, invitation by a Mexican institution, scientific or educational research for work in Mexico, study in Mexico, relative of a Mexican national or resident in Mexico, frequent traveler, visitors in an adoption process; employee representative directed to give advice to a Mexican company, investor, owner of property in Mexico, and all the assumptions designated  by the Law.

6. Payment of the visa fee.

Submit one of the following assumptions:

a. Studies:

1. Original copy of the acceptance letter from the educational institution, recognized by the Ministry of Education, the applicant aspires to study. It must specify the following:

i.   Complete name of the applicant.

ii.  Level, degree, and area of study that the applicant want to apply for.

iii. Name of the course where the applicant has been accepted.

iv. Start date and completion of course.

v.  Registration course fee.

vi. Identification data of the educational institution.

2. Must confirm the economic solvency that covers the registration fee, accommodation, and living expenses during the stay in Mexico through the following:

i. Original and photocopy of investments or bank accounts with an monthly average equivalent of one thousand  days of minimum wage valid  in Mexico City for the last 3 months (aprox. $5000.00 USdls).

ii. Original and photocopy of proof of employment or pension with monthly income free of tax equivalent of one hundred days of minimum wage in Mexico City (aprox. $500.00 USdls.), for the last 3 months.

iii. The economic solvency can be proven by the applicant’s parents or whoever has total custody only for students of less than 25 years old or a letter from the educational institution that confirms the applicant is a beneficiary with a scholarship or document of the bank or financing institution  that determine the student has the funding.


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