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The General Consul is authorized to act as Notary Public in certain acts, such as powers of attorney, wills and resignation of inheritance rights.

Any person or corporation having residence or its principal place of business within the State of Colorado, Wyoming or Montana, may appear before the Consulate General of Mexico to grant a power of attorney in order to be represented in Mexico for lawsuits and collections, in the administration of a property or interest, or in the purchase, mortgage, donation or selling of properties located in Mexico.

The Legal Department for Powers of Attorney and Notary Public Acts offers service to both Mexican and foreign citizens.


Any  Mexican national or foreign who are  interested in granting a power of attorney, must fill out an application and present original and copy of the following documents:

  • Valid Picture ID (The I.D. must be government issued. Some examples include: Passport, State issued Driver Licence or ID card)
  • Birth certificate or Passport (as a proof of Nationality)
  • Marriage Licence (if married)
  • Divorce Certificate (if divorced)
  • Spouse Death Certificate (if applies)
  • Title Deed –Fideicomiso/Trust (if applies)

Important notice: If you wish to grant a POA for the administration of a property or for the acquisition or selling of properties located in Mexico, you must present certified copy of the certificate of marriage (if applies). If you are married, your husband/wife shall also appear and comply with the aforementioned requirements. Also, you must bring a BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE SUBJECT-MATTER FOR WHICH THE POWER OF ATTORNEY IS TO BE GRANTED, PREFERABLY, IN WRITING.

In case the person granting the POA do not speaks SPANISH, he or she shall be accompanied by his/her own interpreter who speaks and understands Spanish and who shall comply with the above mentioned requirements. If requested, this Consular Representation can provide the contact information of interpreters that have previously helped other petitioners.

If you wish to revoke a POA previously granted before a Mexican Consul or before a Mexican Notary Public, besides the above mentioned documents, you must also present copy of the power of attorney to be revoked. 

The fee for granting or revoking a POA is $154.00 US dollars.




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