There are two ways to establish a Company in Mexico. One, as an individual and the other, as a branch of a Company that  already exists. In both cases, if you are a non-Spanish speaker, you will need an interpreter, and submit the following information:

1.- Name of the Company (or possibly options in case that name is already taken).

2.- Business or venture

3.- Initial investment capital 

4.- Percentage of shares you will have in the Company 

5.- Address of the company 

6.- Full name of the person(s) that is going to represent you in Mexico.

7.- State of the Mexican Republic where the Power of Attorney it’s going to be utilized.

8.- Completed application 

9.- Type of Power of Attorney. It’s recommend to present a draft of the document (purpose for the Power of Attorney)

10.- Pay the fee. If the Power of Attorney is in behalf of an individual, the fee is $154.00 dlls. 


If is in behalf of a Company, the fee is $230.00 dollars and you will need to comply with all the requirements for a Power of Attorney in behalf of a Company.

All the process has to be done in Spanish. Non-Spanish speakers need to be assisted by an interpreter. It’s recommended to hire one who is certified.

The person giving the Power of Attorney must present a valid passport. Married applicants must apply with their spouses and both present valid passport and Marriage Certificate. The interpreter need to present a current official ID. All documents need to be scanned and sent to be reviewed to the following email address: Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo.